Editing- The Editing is fast, snappy, rapid and sudden, the audience feel as if they are involved in the scene through the fast pace and the use of different camera shots. The editing cuts from one location to another giving us the impression that there the different criminals are based in different locations. The editing goes back and forth to the inside and outside locations making it clear whats going on.
Sound- The music builds, to a peak to create tension and suspense in the opening. It is classic thriller music as it starts quiet and builds throughout. The digetic dialogue keeps us informed on the plot and who is working for who.
Mis-en-scene- In the opening of The Dark Knight the use of the masks, are significant as they connote they are trying to hide their identities as they are criminals. The lighting is a mixture between low key and high key, in the bank the lighting is used within the setting from lamps. The location is a cityscape, there are various different buildings used in the shots emphasizing the complexly for the robbery. We can tell it is building to something as the music creates tension and the use of quick pace editing adds suspense. The use of guns and robbery objects denotes that they are criminals and are not afraid to kill people.
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