Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Ideas for Sound effects and music:

I have research some possible sound effects for our opening, the sound effects that we will need to build tension and suspense are an evil laugh, footsteps, and babies’ music to create the right atmosphere for the audience.
Some possible websites I have found are:

The music that we are going to use fits the thriller horror genre well, as I feel the music bulids up tension and supsense which is key in the thriller genre. This will help overall, as when we come to the post-production of the opening we will already have the music meaning less time will be wasted in planning and reasearch of different possible music. One of the key problems is the music relates to the baby/child storyline which is not in our opening however we are only suggesting to the audince what may happen in the rest of the film. This suggests that the music will hint on the back story but will not give the narrative away. Also the audience will be intrigued by what the narrative is and want to watch more meaning that we have the audeinces attension right from the beginning of the film.

1 comment:

  1. but you are not evaluating? What did you do, why, what did you learn? Show some form of argument in evaluating for example your group decision and if you thought differently? Look through your whole blog and ensure you are doing all these things. You must blog every day Ellie Biddle!
