Saturday, 30 October 2010

Evaluating Past Students work


We evaluated past students work; this allowed me to understand what technical skill is involved in gaining a high grade and the different aspects you get marked on.  Also it has given me the understanding of how to make an original opening sequence to a Thriller film and what not to do then making an opening.
When we began marking the openings of Thrillers, at first they looked well made, but as we began analysing them in detailed we realised they weren’t as competent as we first though.  The editing was uneven, timing was off and the filming careless.  These are all feature that our group will have to watch out for when filming and editing. 

Thriller 1: Room to Breathe
Genre: Psychological thriller
Audience: 15 Certificate

Technical Ability- Low Level 3

Mis-en-scene: The use of props were realistic an worked well with the narrative and the storyline, which was well though about.

Sound- The use of sound and music was good because the music contrasted juxtaposed the narrative. This is often a key feature thriller director use, so this group had obviously though about the convention of the thriller genre.

Camera- Although there was a variety of different shots used, the quality of the camera shots were shaky and bumpy meaning that the technical ability wasn’t there affecting the grade.

Editing- The editing was poor as the timing was off and the editing was inconsistent.
This opening sequence of a thriller was good at first glance but as we watched it we noticed many technical errors in the camera work and the editing. However I could see this group had researched the thriller genre well and this is what helped them gain a Level 3.

Thriller 2: Root Case
Genre: Thriller/ horror
Target Audience: Certificate 15
Technical Ability: Very High Level 3
Camera- The camera work was smooth and constant throughout the opening. The group used a variety of shots which was interesting to view.
Editing- The editing technical ability was good, the timing was on and it fitted with the music well.
 Mis-en-scene- The choice of Film Noir made it interesting and the group had obviously thought about the thriller genre. Suitable props, costumes for the characters.
Sound- The music and sound used was Suitable and fitting to the Thriller Genre and worked well with the narrative.
Therefore this opening of a Thriller well thought out and the technical ability was strong.
What have I learnt?
These two thrillers I have analysis show the difference between a high level 3 boarding on a level 4 and a low level 3. The main errors that were made , and what I have learnt not to do in our opening, is that the technical ability of the camera work and the editing was weak and was strong enough to gain a high grade.  In our group, we must make sure the editing is smooth; the timing is on, variety of different types of editing, that the camera work is even and consistent.

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